How much life insurance is enough

Some people might say that there is no such thing as too much life insurance. While the beneficiaries might think that was the right answer, those that have to pay the premiums on the life insurance may have a different viewpoint. Life insurance should be balanced. It must provide for those who are left behind being affordable. Life insurance is different for everyone, and finding the perfect balance takes a lot of time and effort. With an insurance agent like those at Johnsen Insurance in Baraboo, WI, it is much less stressful. 

Trying to figure out how much life insurance is enough requires a lot of thought. When you are young, you only need enough life insurance to pay for your final expenses and for any debt that you may have. Unless you have family members who count on your income to survive, it is pretty simple. It gets a little more complicated when you are responsible for someone, whether it is a spouse, a partner, or a child. You need to figure out how many years you need to supply support and how much that support is per year. That is the figure you need to shoot for. 

Suppose you want to provide a mortgage-free home or a college education, that requires additional insurance. Those in the know suggest between 7 and 10 years’ worth of salary. You will need to weigh this figure with the premiums for the coverage today to see if you can maintain this level of life insurance. 

Don’t stress about what you don’t know about life insurance. Give the office of Johnsen Insurance in Baraboo, WI a call or stop in to talk to one of our experienced insurance professionals about how much life insurance is enough.