Health Insurance in Wisconsin

A hot topic around the country and even the state of Wisconsin is health insurance and what it means for citizens everywhere. While those who are employed with the government or large private businesses often have access to health insurance, those who are self-employed contractors and sole proprietors are forced to seek out the best deals in health insurance. At Johnsen Insurance, we want all of our clients in or around Baraboo, WI to have the ability to invest in their health.

Cut Costs With Health Insurance

Many Wisconsin citizens have attempted to avoid health insurance in the past because of the monthly bill. However, that monthly investment into your health can save your wallet thousands should an emergency treatment arise. With health insurance, the cost to you as a patient is decreased significantly, requiring you to pay only a small percentage of the total cost.

Annual Labs and Vaccines

With health insurance, you can take advantage of annual check-ups with your local physician. Maintain annual lab work for your health and build up a significant medical history. These annuals tests will give your healthcare provider insight into any changes that may be developing within your body and how to accurately treat this in the future.

Vaccinations are also offered at a reduced price with health insurance. You have access to both one-time vaccines for diseases and things like the flu vaccine offered annually.

Tax Credit Advantage

If you are self-employed, then taking advantage of tax credits for your income tax is essential. In Wisconsin, you will receive a tax credit annually for carrying health insurance on you and your dependents throughout the year.

Make A Health Investment Today

If you do not currently carry health insurance on you or your dependents. Do not wait another day for coverage. Our agents at Johnsen Insurance proudly serve those residing around the Baraboo, WI community. Visit our location or give us a call today for more information on a policy that fits your needs.